EN-32959A HISENSE Genuine Original TV Remote Control, EN-32959HS now substituted to EN3ZZ39.
GO Company Product Code: RC EN32959A
Description: Brand New Genuine Original HISENSE TV Remote Control EN-32959A
Remote Number: EN-32959A, EN-32959A (Part Number: 164180), now substituted to EN3ZZ39.
Remote Type: InfraRed (IR)
Supplied with HISENSE Models: HL39K610PZLN3D, HL50K610PZLN3D, HL55K610PZLN3D, LTDN50K610XWAU3D.
The model number can usually be found on the back or side of your TV, or on the front of your owner manual / instructions. If not sure, please ask us.
Please note that the genuine original HISENSE EN-32959A, EN-32959HS remote control is no longer available from HISENSE and that HISENSE are now supplying the genuine original HISENSE EN3ZZ39 remote control as a substitute.
Please check the button layout of the genuine original HISENSE EN3ZZ39 remote control (pictured below) to ensure it is suitable for your needs.
Also this remote control does need to be programmed to suit your HISENSE TV.
This new Genuine Hisense remote needs a quick set up to work with your TV.
Have your Hisense TV turned ON.
On the new EN3ZZ39 remote press the "OK" button and a number button (6) for 3 – 5 seconds, release both buttons and press "VOL" up or down to see if it has worked.
Press and HOLD the OK button and the number 6 button for 3 – 5 seconds, release both buttons, try to turn the volume up. If the volume works, your new remote is set up. If no response try next number…
Requires 2 x AAA batteries
In stock, ready to GO!